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Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Brigade Millennium And Its Rich Flora & Fauna by Prof K S Bhat

                          BRIGADE MILLENNIUM AND ITS RICH                                                                                                        FLORA AND FAUNA 

                                                   By Professor K S Bhat
Brigade Millennium [BM] was envisioned on the turn of this century, as a mixed use lifestyle enclave under Group Housing Scheme of GOK. Accordingly the Architects designed and developed this project leaving ample open area[lung space] for parks, recreational areas with civic amenities and facilities  Perhaps no other Apartment complex has so much greenery within. After a decade of its completion, while observing the Tree Fest[ Jun2] and world Environmental Day[ Jun 5] a survey and tree census was conducted and the findings are presented in this paper. Particularly the green eco friendly environment is   analysed   with special reference to its Flora and Fauna, which has made it livable, amidst an urban jungle..The purpose of this paper is  to[1] present a model urban enclave[2]improve environmental awareness among the residents[3] educational value to children[4]Preserve the eco friendly environment so that coming generations will breath  pure air.
As a background, BM has about 22 acres and 19 Guntas or about 85,288 smt in site area. Out of this about 21,322 smt or 25% are left as open space for park, health,civic area and further 7361 smt for the internal avenue within the Enclave. The roof gardens are additional to these open green cover. It should be said to the credit and vision of the developers while executing the project on a lush green Mango and Coconut virgin farm land, mature trees of various species are preserved as far as possible. Similarly with a foresight on future traffic,an area of3758 smt was left out of the residential area for widening the Puttenahalli main road to 80ft width. Now the residents of this enclave can see to themselves as to how far the green cover has been protected preserved and regenerated as a biodiversity ecosystem.
           Location                        Trees in number
a] Millennium Park 116
b]BM Avenue                               50
c]CA area                                       20
d]Mayflower                             37
e]Magnolia                                      13
f]Cassia                                            24
g]Jacaranda                                     23
h]Laburnum                                    33
j]Woodrose                                     40
k]School                                           23
l] MLR                                               14
m] IME                                              20
n] Oak Tree row houses            12              TOTAL NUMBER OF TREES    425


Girth at base in metres
Age in years
Jack ( Artocarpus heterophyllus)
Mango (Mangifera indica)
Honge ( Pongamia pinnata)
Silver Oak (Grevillea robusta)
Tamarind (Tamarindus indica)
Jamun (Syzygium cumini)
Coconut (Cocos nusifera)

Total  big trees.


F] Others -  Neem  ( Azadhirachta indica) [2] Teak[1] Atti  (Ficus recemosa) [2]  Flame of the Forest (Butea monosperma) [2] Rubber (Ficus elastica)[2] Fish tail Palm (Caryota urens)  [2] Peepal ( Ficus religiosa)[2] Bamboo[2] Nelli  ( Phyllanthus emblica) [2] Champak ( Magnolia champaka)[3]  thus making total of 20
G] All other exotic verities of short life, decorative trees including Mayflower, Magnolia, Cassia, Jacaranda and Laburnum etc - 170
1]Ashwagandha  Indian ginseng  -Withania somnifera.
2]Aadu Soge  -Justicia athatoda.
3]Madhunashini - Marsdenia sylvestris
4]Lolesara - Aloe vera .
5]Basil - Ocimum basilicum.
6]Ondelaga - Brahmi Centella asiatica.
7]Doddapathre -Sambrani  - Plectranthus amboinicus.
8]Amrutha Balli – Tinospora cordifolia.
9]Kari menasu -Pepper  -Piper nigrum
10]Kahi bevu- Neem  - Azadirachta indica
11]Bevina soppu - Curry leaves – Murrayya koenigii.
12]Bilwa – Aegle marmelos.
13]Amla  - Indian gooseberry. – Phyllanthus emblica.
14] Tumbe- leusas aspera
There are several plants of each Species.  
1]Chekkur manis- Multi Vitamin plant – Sauropus androgynus
2] Pudina – Mint –Mentha spicata
3]Kesavu- Colocasia – Colocasia esculenta
4] Limbe-Lemon – Citrus limon
1] Chandhana - Sandalwood – Santalum album
2] Renje- Bakula – Mimusops elengi
3] Nagalingapushpa  -Canon ball tree – Couroupita guianensis
4] Rudraksha  - Sacred bead- Elaeocarpus sphaericus
5] Banni – Shami –Prosopis cineraria
6]  Nilagiri – Eucalyptus – Eucalyptus tereticornis
1] Seebe- Guava- Psidium guajava
2] Badam –Indian Almond-  Terminalia catappa
3] Dalimba – Pomegranate – Punica granatum
4] Hog plum – Spondias pinnata
5] Nugge - Drum stick – Moringa oleifera
6] Pharangi-Papaya –Carica papaya
7] Chikku  sapota – Manilkara zapota
8] Bale-Banana – Musa paradisiaca
1] Dasavala - Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
2] Sampige - Champak –Magnolia champaca
3] Parijatha – Nyctanthes arbor-tristis
4] Gasagase hannina mara-Singapore Cherry – Muntingia calabura
5] Kanagale – Oleander -  Nerium oleander
6] Rubiaecae [Kepula]  - Ixora - Ixora coccinea
7] Deva bale - Canna  - Canna sp.
8] Chendu huvu - Merigold – Tagetes erecta
9] Sevanthige -  Chrysanthemum . Chrysanthemum sp.
10]  Brahma Kamala- Epiphyllum oxypetalum
13] Ratri Rani – Night queen – Cestrum nocturnum
14] Mallige -Jasmine – Jasminum  grandiflorum
15] Madyanna mallige - 4 O’clock jasmine – Mirabilis jalapa
16] Nitya pushpa -Daily flower – Catharanthus roseus
17] Gulabi- Roses - Rosa sp.
18] Mandara-Bauhinia acuminata
19 Lambana - Allamanda cathartica
20] Ratnagentige - Ceasalpinia pulcherrina
21] Nandibattalu -Tebenaemontana divaricata

22]Plumeria [Frangipani]- Plumeria rubra
23]Lotus-  Nelumbo
1] X’mas gida – Araucaria – Araucaria araucana
2] Ficus. ?
3] Yellow Bamboo  - Bambusa vulgaris
4]Bougain villea – Bougainvillea spectabilis
5] Golden shower  - Flame vine – Pyrostegia venusta
6] Fig Pumila creeper – Ficus pumila
]7] Duranta – Duranta erecta.
By no means these are  complete and each one of these plants, bushes or creeper is a subject for a separate paper.

These trees having large biomass and thick barks are said to absorb maximum CO2, store them and release O2. On a conservative estimate the BM trees can absorb about 10,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide annually. Biodiversity campus with abundant Neem leaves,Jackfruit tree leaves,Banyan leaves,Tamarind is said to balance Methane Emissions  from fossil fuel, decay of organic waste in the ever increasing garbage dumps, landfills especially in cities besides from live stocks as well. However, one has to contend with the ever increasing emissions due to vehicular traffic both on the Millennium Avenue, Puttenahalli main roads and the arterial roads around the Enclave. Added to this are the growing number of pollutant vehicles inside the complex, Air conditioners, DG sets   and commercial establishments outside. Not merely the trees but commitment to green energy can make this enclave livable in future.
While the Trees constitute our ‘’HASIRU USIRU’’, the aesthetic biodiversities are provided by several rich and well nurtured Medicinal, Aromatic, Fragrant smaller trees, plants, bushes and creepers found in abundant which with their flowers, nectar, pollen and fruits attract large number of birds, bees, butterflies, squirrels etc Such a green  eco system also enriches the residents life styles. In this context, in this paper an attempt is made to identify and describe in brief such plant species found in this enclave mostly in the Millennium park and around Laburnum block.
While mature jackfruit, mango, silver oak, coconut trees were consciously preserved by the developers which now constitutes main green cover,several native species are introduced by the enlightened residents to enrich the biodiversity. They are Peepal, Banyan, Nelli,Ashoka, Chery,Nagalingapushpa,Bilwa, Banni,Bakula,Kadamba, Rosewood,Teak,Neem,Sandalwood,Rudraksha etc Amrutaballi, Brahmi,Pepper,Ashwaganda etc

BM Campus.jpg

Tree cover at Jacaranda.jpg

Trees at Mayflower.jpg

Trees at Woodrose.jpg



Laburnum Flower 2.jpg
Laburnym Canopy.JPG


[1]Trees, Plants, bushes described above not only absorb and store large quantities of carbon dioxide, but they also release the much needed oxygen as byproduct. One should view our green areas like the park as an oxygen chamber which can rejuvenate oneself like the Japanese do with their Parks of limited space.
[2]Not only increased supply of oxygen but pure  health supporting air blowing from the medicinal, aromatic, fragrant plants provide nonquantifiable benefits as well.
[3]It acts as climate moderator. For example, inspite  of heavy vehicular traffic and other uncontrolled emissions, the average temperature inside the enclave is always 2-3 degrees lower than outside.
[4]Reduces soil erosion and increases ground water recharge.
[5]Biodiversity with all season flowers enhances aesthetic living  conditions
[6]Promotes avian life such as bees, butterflies, birds etc so that the community remains connected to nature. Today it has been transformed in to a whispering wood,having singing birds and humming bees.


The well kept Park and gardens around the complex are rich in fauna and have attracted several species of birds, some are rare and endangered, variety of butterflies and a host of other animals which are seen around and the important among them are:
Arehula - Earth worms – Best natural compost suppliers.
Geddalu – Termites- Termites come to earth surface and even climb trees
Eruvegalu – Ants
Chittegalu - Butterflies –There are plenty of butterflies in BM awaiting to be spotted by the Bangalore Butterfly Club [BBC]
Jenuhula – Bees. Two to three species of bees can be found collecting pollen and nectar from flowers, coconut trees etc.
Kanaja – Wasps –
Dumbi - Beetles -
Laxmi chelu , Shatapadi - Centipeds and Millipeds –
Chelu - Scorpions -
Jeda – Spiders -
Kappe , Marakappe – Frogs and toads
Basavana hula - Snails.
Halli, othiketha, Havu - Lizards and snakes
1] Kogile - Asian Koel - Cuckoos-Their beautiful melodious songs reverberate daily in our ears.
2] Maina - Myna birds-These are noticed at the onset of monsoon
3] Gili - Parrots particularly green parrots can be sighted in the Park area .
4] Kage - House Crows Very common bird
5] Parivaala - Pigeons available in hundreds all over the apartment complexes.
6] Gube - OWL is an endangered bird and occasionally one can spot them perching on mango trees
7] Mara kutuka - Woodpecker[Picidae] another wonderful endangered specy,occasionally spotted pecking the decayed mango branches.
8] Kembhutha - Crow Pheasant - Coucal [contropus] Red and black crow, Another endangered specy frequently spotted on trees picking insects from decayed portions.
9] Giduga, Haddu – Kites and Eagles
10] Rodents -  Rats and bandicoots -common all over during nights.
11. Bavali - -Bats -
12] Alilu - Squirrels found in the park eating fruits and left over food by school children.
13] Bekku, Nayi – Cats and Dog
14] Manava – Human beings ( Homo sapiens)  - Destroyers and protectors of diversity.
 These Fauna are no doubt attracted by the Flora, however they are constantly disturbed and threatened by the 24/7 noise human activities and lack of concern towards them. Last summer, observing the death of few due to lack of water, few water pots were hung on trees. Further volunteers may install bird cages to enhance their habitats
Some of the birds[ few belong to endangered species],butterflies ,bees  and other species seen in BM are captured in photo below.



Butterfly 3.JPG

Sunflower and bee.jpg


Every year about 10 mature trees are dying due to diseases, fungal infection, and termite pests or uprooting. All these can be prevented if proper remedial measures are taken on time. The biggest challenge is protection of the trees and preserving the heritage cover of Brigade Millennium Enclave.
Most of these vintage trees are on the periphery of this 22 acre enclave and close to its boundary wall outside of which are narrow busy roads, 15th and 16th main on which has come up high rise buildings violating the CDP. Not only these developments restrict the growth of trees but often their branches are chopped leaving only the trunk for easing traffic flow and drawing OH wires. Similar is the case with the Millennium avenue which on being forcibly thrown open to public often sees a traffic grid lock ,with increased air and noise  pollutants adversely impacting not only the health of the trees   but causing traffic hazards to pedestrians, children and senior citizens, not to speak of damaging the environment for the birds and butterflies. All the residents need to jointly address these problems.
1] Once a year a Tree surgeon should visit, inspect, assess the health of these trees and suggest measures like antifungal, termite treatments and surgery of decayed portions
2] All vintage trees of over 100 years old should be indexed for protection as heritage trees by the KFD officials
3] Systematically plan, develop and transform the park and surrounding area as a ‘’BIODIVERSITY AREA’’ by planting long life trees of native variety instead of the exotic species
4] The whole BM community should pledge their commitment and support to increase our green cover, reduce emission and create environmental concerns among fellow members
5] As residents of this model life style enclave, we owe our next generations a better future and therefore, let us respect the nature around us protect, preserve and enrich it. In the process we would create a much sought after habitat in Bengaluru
I am thankful to several of my friends in Brigade Millennium who have offered not only valuable comments on my earlier draft but materially added to the identification of the species.
My grateful thanks to distinguished Environmental Scientists, Botanists and Zoologists who helped me in editing the technical details of the paper.
15TH June 2017